The information presented in this blog post comes from a joint webcast held by Deltek and PSMJ Resources titled, “The 3 Pillars of Project Management Excellence”.
If you’re a Principal and you don’t have answers to the following 10 questions, you DO NOT have the level of oversight you need to have. This should not be confused with micromanagement. The difference being that you are properly involving yourself as a decision maker and overseeing the project as needed. If you’re a Project Manager you need to inform the Principal of all 10 of these on a regular basis to ensure that they know what’s going on with your projects.
Why is this so important? Your competitors are already asking these questions. And if you’re not careful, they could be asking these questions about your clients.
So how do you get answers to these questions without beating it out of your team? This is different for each firm of course. Smaller firms may opt for a more informal approach where larger firms with multiple offices or a large staff may need a formal method.
One way is simply taking the casual Management by Walking Around (MBWA) approach. Have informal discussions with your project managers in their offices. Bring it up when you see them by the coffee machine. Chat with them casually over lunch or wherever you can.
Another way to get this information is by scheduling and conducting formal presentations by your project managers. When presenting on the status of projects you may find it unnecessary to go over each project in detail. If this is the case you may want to select which project should be reviewed based on specific criteria:
Also keep in mind that, firms interested in conducting formal reviews needs a process in order to give the PM a chance to prepare. For example, a process for a mid-sized professional services firm with multiple locations might look something like this:
The heart of the project management culture is when things happen regularly. Hold yourself and your firm accountable by developing a plan and sticking to it.