Deltek Vision vs Microsoft Dynamics

When speaking with mid-market Deltek Vision prospects it’s not uncommon for them to be [...]

March 2015 Deltek Vision User Group Recap

We started off our 2015 Deltek Vision User Group Meetings off on the right foot! Before I [...]

By Patrick Haley | Mar 31st, 15 | Categories: Deltek, Pending Update

Save the Date! 2015 Deltek Vision User Groups

I’m still somewhat in shock that March is almost over. It still seems like Christmas just [...]

By Patrick Haley | Mar 31st, 15 | Categories: Deltek, Pending Update

What the Deltek-Axium Acquisition Means for Your Firm

Author’s Note: These thoughts are my own and not representative of Deltek or Axium.

So you’ve [...]

By Patrick Haley | Jul 2nd, 14 | Categories: Deltek, Pending Update

What’s New in Deltek Vision 7.3

If you’re an existing Vision user, you probably received an email announcing Deltek Vision 7.3 [...]

By Patrick Haley | Jul 2nd, 14 | Categories: Deltek, Pending Update

Introducing Your New Deltek Vision Account Manager

If you’re an existing Deltek Vision or Deltek Legacy customer and have ever called us to in [...]

By Patrick Haley | Jul 2nd, 14 | Categories: Deltek, Pending Update

Deltek Acquires Axium to Extend Its Market Leadership in the Architecture & Engineering Industry

By Patrick Haley | Jun 5th, 14 | Categories: Deltek, Pending Update

Live Honolulu Workshop: SF330 Automation and Deltek Vision Government Forms

What You Need to Know About SF330 Forms

We’re hosting a live workshop on SF330 government form [...]

By Patrick Haley | May 15th, 14 | Categories: Deltek, Pending Update

The 3 Pillars of Project Management Excellence

Building a Strong Project Management Culture at Your Firm

This article was transcribed from a [...]

By Patrick Haley | May 3rd, 14 | Categories: Deltek, Pending Update

10 Ways a Project Manager Resembles a Server at a Fine Dining Restaurant

The information presented in this blog post comes from a joint webcast held by Deltek and PSMJ [...]

By Patrick Haley | May 1st, 14 | Categories: Deltek, Pending Update

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